
  Whereas in previous decades autonomous, self-directed or ‘independent’ learning may have been assumed to be an alternative to classroom learning, the emphasis has now shifted to the point where learner autonomy, viewed as capacity to take charge of one’s own learning, is increasingly being promoted as a goal for general language education. Autonomy, as Phil Benson points out in his chapter, has “become part of the current orthodoxy of language teaching and learning research and practice: an idea that researchers and teachers ignore at their peril”. This volume brings together a diverse body of work by leading theorists of autonomy in language education, as well as locally situated accounts by autonomy practitioners working with secondary-level, university or adult migrant learners, or engaged in teacher education and curriculum development. Localising autonomy in such settings, different views of autonomy emerge as social practice, much less an abstract set of discrete skills, attitudes or behaviours to be developed, and much more a historically and socially situated process that evolves through relations among persons-in-action in specific contexts of practice. Different authors explore learners’ and teachers’ voices to raise thought-provoking questions about roles, resources and practices important to any pedagogy for autonomy. Suitable for use with teachers in pre-service and in-service training, this landmark volume will also strongly appeal to teachers working in different education sectors, as well as teacher educators and researchers.

  Richard Pemberton teaches MA TESOL and PhD students in the School of Education at the University of Nottingham (UK). Before that he coordinated the Self-Access Centre team for thirteen years at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and was co-editor of Taking Control: Autonomy in Language Learning. Sarah Toogood advises, writes materials to support self-access learners and teaches in the Language Centre at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She has been actively researching and promoting Self-Access Language Learning since 1995 when she joined the SAC team, playing a key role in the Hong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development (HASALD) and convening the 2004 conference, ‘Autonomy and Language Learning: Maintaining Control’. Andy Barfield teaches in the Faculty of Law at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. He has been actively involved in the field of learner development for over fifteen years. His research interests include learner autonomy in second language education and learners’ L2 collocation development


  • ISBN:9789622099548
  • 規格:平裝 / 292頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >



珠海格力電器股份有限公司高端智能電器(高欄)產業園建設項目(以下簡稱「格力電器高欄產業園」)今日在珠海高欄港區正式舉行簽約暨動工儀式。 據悉,該項目是珠海與格力電器深化合作、加快珠海製造業高質量發展、強化珠海珠江口西岸核心城市定位的重要布局。格力電器董事長兼總裁董明珠在致辭中表示,格力電器將進一步發揮技術創新和智能製造優勢,通過建設科技型的產業園,加快企業科技化、全球化發展,為珠海「二次創業」再添新羽翼。 ... 隨著格力全球市場規模進一步擴大,現有的生產基地已無法滿足產量拓容的需求。格力投資建設的高欄產業園,以家用空調生產為主,定位為「智能電器、出口為主、兼顧內銷」,以滿足全球化市場銷售需求。 格力電器高欄產業園優越的地理位置、便利的運輸條件也將使其成為格力全球化戰略布局的重要一環。該區域緊鄰珠海西站鐵運、珠海港海運、珠海機場空運和高欄港高速公路,兼具海陸空三維運輸優勢:南下可經珠海港發運,北上可由鐵路直達中山港、廣州港,向東可經港珠澳大橋對接香港、澳門港口,實現全方位港口發運。據悉,建成後的格力電器高欄產業園將占地約158.6萬㎡(約2379畝),總建築面積約196萬㎡,其中還包含員工宿舍、食堂、職工活動中心等生活配套設施。 據了解,格力電器高欄產業園是格力向智能製造轉型升級的重要一步。據介紹,格力計劃將該產業園打造成自動化、信息化、智能化、柔性化、精益化、綠色化、定製化、敏捷化於一身的「智慧工廠」,通過自動化生產設備、智能物流配送模式及綠色項目設計等,打造行業一流標桿工廠。格力相關負責人介紹,格力電器高欄產業園將建立出口柔性化生產模式,採用行業先進的自動化生產設備進行生產。同時在物流配送方面,該產業園將採用高端智能物流系統,集成各生產單體的智能立體倉庫,結合空中循環式輸送物流,以「物流不落地」為原則規劃從生產物資入廠到成品出廠的生產全流程。 ... 值得一提的是,該產業園將採用格力光伏直驅變頻離心機中央空調,提升建築節能減排水平。格力光伏離心機中央空調是格力自主研發的清潔能源設備,機組採用光伏發電,可滿足自發自用,最大可實現空調運行「零費用」。 珠海市委副書記、市長姚奕生表示,當前正處於統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展的關鍵時刻,格力電器高欄產業園項目的順利簽約動工意義重大,必將對進一步穩定投資預期、提振市場信心發揮重要示範引導作用。珠海將舉全市之力支持格力電器做強做優做大,為格力電器發展提供最大支持、創造最優環境。「希望格力電器不斷增強自主創新能力和實力,加快打造成為世界級的先進位造業、現代多元化發展的標桿企業」。 ...










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